Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blog #4

Milkweed and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, are all very similar books. They are all about the holocaust and both of them have kids die in them. But, you would be surprised of how different the protagonists are. The conflicts in the stories are very different. The conflict in the Boy in the Striped Pajamas is that the main character is to curious and that gets him into too much trouble. His friendliness is great but that later in the book gets him killed. In Milkweed, Misha wants to know the world and that gets him beat. He is also an orphan and knows nothing about the world. But, the things they are motivated by are very similar. They are both motivated by their curiosity and disobedience. Their age is the main cause to these traits but in Milkweed the main character is already maturing. He is on the inside of the barbed wire experiencing these horrible disasters when, the main character in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas was just watching it from outside the fence. They were both very naïve boys and were influenced by the things they saw. Bruno (The Boy in the Striped Pajamas main character) was just practicing what his dad did. In the first few pages of the book you didn’t know his dad’s occupation but, it said Bruno clicked his heels together stuck out his arm and said, “Hiel Hitler,” meaning his dad was a Nazi. Also, Misha witnessed the desperate thing people did for food and later caught on to the trend of robbing people of food. Misha and Bruno’s lives were very different, but the things that motivated them through the Holocaust were all the same.


  1. Really thoughtful comparisons Chirs. In my book, Annexed, my main character (also a teen) was motivated often by his curiousity and disobedience. It's interesting to think about the fact that so many of these children experienced and did similar things. Good job, work on some of the mechanics by the way.

  2. This was a good post Chris. In my first book club book, "Emil and Karl", both boys were very curious, which often leads them to all kinds of trouble.

  3. I liked your post and thought that you did a good job. I the beginning of the post you make Holocaust lowercase. I also read Milkweed and thought that you had the write ideas on the book, but I think there are some things that you could have written about. Good Job.

  4. Great job Chris! I think the post seems a little jumbled, but all of your points come across very accurately and are presented in a strong way. I read Milkweed as well, and I completely agree that Misha is very naive, and also that he starts maturing rather quickly. Good Job!

  5. Interesting comparisons. Please break up your entries into separate paragraphs, espcially when you are comparing two different things.

    3.5/5 Structure and Mechanics. Be sure to capitalize Holocaust.
